Two Go Walking

This is the website for Emma Williams and Helen Cottington. Together they are walking the South West Coast Path in aid of charity.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Day 40 - 14th June

Wembury to Ringmore.

We walked a good 15 miles today, phew! Leaving Wembury after our second day off we headed to Newton Ferrers and crossed the creek on the ferry. We then joined the nine mile drive - Lord Revelstoke employed out of work fisherman in the 1880s to create a broad and gentle path.

We enjoyed the easy walking and were stopped by two gentlemen along the way who kindly showed us where some peregrine falcons were nesting on the cliffs.

After the easy walking there were some much more strenuous ups and downs and we finally dropped down to wade across the River Erme. The wade was very refreshing for the feet although the walk across the sands on the other side was very suprising painful for bare feet! I felt very pathetic indeed :-)

After some more big old ups and downs we arrived in Ayrmer Cove and looked back along the stunning cliffs.


At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sue, Kenny and Jess the Labrador met you both at Soar Mill, just before Salcombe. We are all home now and back at work, but every morning I log on to see how you are doing, what a wonderful achievment, but what are you going to do after the weekend?????


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