Two Go Walking

This is the website for Emma Williams and Helen Cottington. Together they are walking the South West Coast Path in aid of charity.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Friday 2nd June

Saw the girls at Porthleven yesterday and they were in very good form! 300 miles now completed and on Saturday they will pass the half way point!
The weather for them now is beautiful and allows them to see the spectacular coast line, looking down into crystal clear water.
Porthleven has special memories for both Helen and me, even if the 'best fish shop in the UK' ... it won that acholade for 3 years on the trot!! has moved!
Tonight, Friday, they are happily located at the most souhtherly point of th UK, The Lizard.

One thing that you all can do, (apart from raising as much money as possible for Cancer Research UK, is to send the girls your messages as it means so much to them. For Sue Simpson. Sue you are truly being a star and all your messages really do give the girls a real lift, love and lots of thanks from me as well.


At 7:51 PM, Blogger Pablo said...

Thank you so much Trevor and Pat We'll set up anew blog when we finnish just for you two.
Now on our 27th B/B haven't met anyone like you two yet!!
Love Helen and Emma

At 6:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its lovely to see H&E in torquay lots of kisses jenny


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