Two Go Walking

This is the website for Emma Williams and Helen Cottington. Together they are walking the South West Coast Path in aid of charity.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Day 56 - Two Done Walking!!!!!!!

The final stretch from Swanage to South Haven Point!

We started our last day at the Heritage Centre in Swanage and met up with of our family and friends who wished to walk the last few miles with us. We met with my Mum and Dad (Yvonne and Paul), long term friends of Helen's - Mandy and Howard, another family friend of Helen's - Paul and some keen walkers from Wareham Yacht Club.

Thanks to everyone who turned up and walked with us. We all headed along the sea front and then climbed up to Ballard Point where we then enjoyed some lovely cliff top walking to The Pinnacles and Old Harry. We then dropped down to sea level and had to make our way along the beaches at Studland.

It was a boiling day and so the beaches were heaving and we had to negotiate many people, sand castles, boats and sun bathers. We stopped at a cafe along the beach and Helen and I let the others walk on ahead to the finish. Helen and i then gathered ourselves together and prepared for our final few miles of our incredible journey. As we turned into Shell Bay we started to see the finish and the wonderful people who were waiting for us.

I felt very emotional as we arrived so see those people who had given us so much support to help us complete the walk, it was really beautiful. We were greeted with cheers and clapping and a wonderful banner too. John had also organised champagne and strawberries and my Mum had sorted a specially made cake with a picture of Helen and I on it.

We spent a few hours enjoying the sand and sun and relaxing in the company of wonderful people. Thank you to all who came down to see us and make it extremely special for us. In the evening we had a great meal at an Italian in Wareham, it was a lot of fun and the wine went straight to my head.

Mmm - what next? X


At 9:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would have loved to come and see you finish but had to work :-(

Congratulations on your achievements.............very inspirational!

Val & Pete

At 5:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done indeed on your fantastic achievement.

David and Abi McDermott

(We met at Steve and Moira's)

At 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Helen and Emma! i don't know if you remember me?! Laila from Shell Bay... i was cheering you both on when you finnished! Congratulations again!! i told you i'd keep in contact! x x Well done what a fantastic achievement!:D

At 8:25 AM, Blogger Pablo said...

Hi Laila thank you for your message it was good to meet you too. If you want any info on the walk then email me on It would be brilliant if you took up the challenge and I would enjoy helping in any way i can. best wishes Helen Cottington. ps I'm not likely to be able to reply for a couple of weeks but I promise that I will keep in touch. H

At 8:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fantastic, well done,what a feat!!!
Saw u in cawsands a while ago.Chatted about a walk i was doing for charity.
We completed 100 km in 24 hrs 10 minutes.

anyhow well done again, i take my hat off to u.


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