Two Go Walking

This is the website for Emma Williams and Helen Cottington. Together they are walking the South West Coast Path in aid of charity.

Friday, April 21, 2006

How are we going to do it?

Other than the obvious of getting out of bed and walking (as good old Forest Gump did!) we will be:

  • Staying with friends and at B&Bs and Youth Hostels along the way.
  • Wearing up to the minute gear including:
  • Rucksacks with integral water containers.
  • Titanium walking sticks.
  • Micro fleece and next to skin clothing
  • Lightweight but strong walking boots,
  • Wristband GPS (Global Positioning Satellite), which will tell us where we
  • are and how far we've walked etc.
  • And, essentially, lightweight waterproofs.
  • Plus many small items like plaster for the inevitable blisters
  • Toilet gear
  • Mobile phone
  • Gloves, hat.
  • Maps and guides etc. etc,
  • Looking forward to the company of friends and family joining us along the way.
And when we get bored of each others company (which seems unlikely considering how much we BOTH have to talk about), we can switch on our little music players and enjoy the countryside to the sounds of music. All very Julie Andrews!


At 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there

I think you guys are doing something really worthwhile and all power to you! I will go via the cancer research site to make a donation. Will also keep an eye on your progress!

Love Aunti Bea

At 4:05 PM, Blogger Pablo said...

Thanks Bea, we will keep you posted on our progress :-) E xxx

At 2:53 PM, Blogger Pablo said...

I second Baileys dad with the gestures comment. I think that in the grand scheme of things this is a grand scheme. All power to you both and the difference you are trying to make both for yourselves and for those that need a little help.

Big Love Paul xxxxxx


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