Two Go Walking

This is the website for Emma Williams and Helen Cottington. Together they are walking the South West Coast Path in aid of charity.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

full to bursting?

Ok so a grim subject line but perhaps the most fundamental to a long distance walker. The dreaded blister. No way to avoid them and even the little beauty that is "compeed" cannot stop the development of a good honest pain in the foot.

So waht does one do? Pop the little chap and bandage it all up or spare it and try and protect it? Answers on a postcard (comment) please.



At 1:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Emma (and Helen too)

Just looked at the blog, sorry I haven't been in touch but congratulations on your engagement, Roger and I are delighted for you and Paul.
I will of course sponsor you and hope to meet up and walk with you both for a bit at 'our end' of your walk. Love Gill Coles

At 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Helen (and Emma) - how is it going? We are full of admiration for you and hope the weather is kind to you. I would wish for flatter hills/fewer blisters too but suspect that's unrealisable!I hope that you are meeting some nice people to walk alongide or to chat to in the evenings - wish we could do some of it with you - we are with you in spirit though (and doing a charity walk ourselves on Sunday locally!). Have fun - love Mandy, Martin, Hugh & Lorna Sutton


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