the captains log... star date 2006
Only two days left now and about 21 miles to go! We left Lulworth Cove and had to head inland today due to the army ranges being used. So we said good bye to the sea for a day and the first half of the day was mostly on the road.
At one point we could hear a deep rumbling to then be confronted with a tank! In fact the noise of the firing ranges was actually quite disturbing for me and it made me think of the horrors of war zones.
Thankfully for us we were away from them once we reached Stoborough and our lunch spot at the lovely Springfield Country Hotel. We found ourselves in the mist of a BP conference and with our sticks and rucksack we didn't blend too well. After lunch we managed to find some public footpaths all the way to Kimmerage and even joined The Purbeck Way for a while.
For those who are joining us in Swanage... We can't wait to see you and look forward to the final walk in. X